
Friday, November 4, 2011

Orihime is WEAK? or STRONG?

           I've noticed that the fandom was so focused on Orihime's so called strength,she was being bashed tremendously because of her DEMEANOR.People say that they understand that she doesn't have the demeanor that fits into FIGHTING,yet they used to CONDEMN her over and over.Somehow,I came to wonder,is she really WEAK?...

Let's analyze what kind of character does she have...

I'll start with her childhood story.

            Orihime during her childhood,was being bullied by the other students,yet,she never told about it to her brother,so he won't get worried about her.When her brother died,and she was left ALONE,she only stopped talking,but still continue living.Those actions/behavior from her clearly shows that she was definitely strong.

            Orihime was MENTALLY strong,for not letting those things to affect her,and stop her to continue living (most of the kids/people who suffer the same problem,especially in Japan,used to commit SUICIDE,because they couldn't bear their situation). She was PHYSICALLY strong too,for being able to ENDURE all the pain that they gave to her.

             During her lowest times,Tatsuki came to give her a hand,and took care of her,she never asked for it,Tatsuki did it in her own accord.Orihime isn't actually relying on her,if you really think about it.Orihime handles her situation in her very own way.She didn't like FIGHTING because it wasn't in her personality,so she just let those people to continue hurting her and never fights back,yet she never asked someone to help her either,that's why she kept SILENT in everything that was happening to her.Tatsuki who doesn't have the same kind of demeanor,usually finds it annoying,that's why she said Orihime shouldn't be that way,she didn't like allowing the bullies to do anything that they want,so she chose to defend Orihime instead,since she knew that she'll never fight back (Orihime didn't asked for it).

             The faith that Orihime have for Tatsuki,is that she knew that she'll be there beside her,no matter what happens.Orihime doesn't feel ALONE anymore,because she have FAITH that Tatsuki will always accompany her,and will always come to find her.Orihime not being afraid of doing anything because Tatsuki is always beside her,doesn't actually means that she was relying on her COMPLETELY,she just felt BRAVER,because she wasn't ALONE anymore.Being ALONE is scary,right? that's why people want someone to be there beside them,not to actually RELY on them,but to feel the COMFORT of being ACCOMPANIED by someone (it could be our family,a friend,or a LOVER). Her,being able to grew her hair longer,is because Tatsuki never LEAVE her side,the proof of her FAITH in her,that she'll never leave her,no matter what kind of situation she was in.It wasn't because she wants Tatsuki to fight for her,to protect her from those bullies,because Orihime didn't want to see Tatsuki getting hurt,she didn't want to see anyone FIGHTING.

              Do you understand what she means there? She means that she was brave to face anything,to go anywhere,because she knew that Tatsuki will always find her.If she's going somewhere she can't follow her,she knew Tatsuki will definitely WAIT for her,because her PLACE was there,right beside her.She wasn't ALONE,Tatsuki is going to wait for her,so she needs to be STRONG,to be able to come back for her.This shows that Orihime is indeed standing on her own feet,only with Tatsuki BESIDE her,not CARRYING her (like a burden).

              Sora and Tatsuki really protects Orihime,but ORIHIME didn't want them to worry so much for her,that's why she usually stay quiet every time she was having a trouble,she chooses to face them (problems) all by herself.

              Those are Orihime's WAY of facing a situation,because of the DEMEANOR that she had in her.Though she didn't like FIGHTING,she had her own WAY of dealing with her problems (on her own),besides...not everything can be solved by FIGHTING.

               Therefore,Orihime knew when she needed to be STRONG in order to protect the person who are dear to her...

Just like what she did here...

              Orihime was scared here,right? who wouldn't be? they are being attacked by a huge monster,and she saw her body was separated from her soul,she's wondering if she already died during that time,but once she remembered Tatsuki...

               Orihime set aside her FEAR and BRAVELY attacked the hollow in front of her,and run towards Tatsuki,was it because she wants to be protected by her?Of course not,it was because she wanted to PROTECT Tatsuki.

               After noticing that the hollow who attacks them,was her brother,she totally forgot her FEAR,and felt guilty for causing him pain (feeling lonely,that is). Then,she did this...

               Orihime tried to reach him,and explained him everything.She told him that she only wanted to show him that she was fine,so he should stop worrying about her,so he could rest in peace.Doesn't this shows that she was strong?that she was standing on her own feet,that she faced everything on her own?

                Like I was saying,that is Orihime's WAY of facing those kind of situations,in fact,she was doing the same thing here  too...

                After realizing that she is the only one who can see the hollow,she decided to pretend that she isn't seeing anything,to avoid the others from panicking.Keeping everything on her own (her WAY of dealing with problems). That is Orihime's WAY of protecting the people that was dear to her.

                Therefore,her friends still end up being hurt and controlled by the hollow...what did she do? Did she thought of waiting for someone to help her?...

                 Orihime stands up to protect Tatsuki...remember,she doesn't have,or rather should I say that she doesn't know anything about her powers at that moment,yet she bravely chose to face and fight the hollow who caused Tatsuki's PAIN and SUFFERING.She doesn't have battle experience yet either.

During Rukia's rescue at the SS

In order to escape from "SEIMICHIO",Orihime bravely does this thing...

She was even get scolded by Yoruichi because of what she have done.

Orihime doesn't feel SCARED here either...

              Did you see her? she never get scared,she bravely faced their enemy,though her attack failed (because she doesn't have enough motivation to attack someone).

In any case,Orihime even does this thing...

She risked her own life,in order to save Aramaki Makizou (a shinigami,and their enemy,at that time).

Not only that...

                Even after she sensed Mayuri's spiritual pressure (a CAPTAIN),she never thought of backing down on him,even after Ishida told her to run...Ishida even needed to ask Aramaki Makizou (the shinigami that Orihime had saved earlier) to take her and run away.

               Orihime even tried to escape,in order to go back and HELP Ishida to FIGHT against Mayuri,who was a CAPTAIN,mind you.

               She didn't even get SCARED of watching ByaIchi fight in a CLOSE distance,as she can.Ishida asked her to move away from there,because it was dangerous,Byakuya and Ichigo's spiritual pressures were too STRONG.

                Do you remember all those moments now? the times that she was at the SS,and was trying her best to be able to fight beside everyone?Orihime did stand on her own feet,all those times.

Arrancar Arc

                 In this arc,how did Orihime faced everything? Is she still the same with the Orihime at the SS?Let's take a look at her...

              Even though at first,she thought of RELYING on Kurosaki kun,she still end up thinking of fighting with Yammy ALONE.Orihime had developed this kind of behavior (relying on Kurosaki kun),because of his attitude at the SS (taking all the fights by himself,and never allows her to HELP him),which leads to the kind of POV that she had about him (INVINCIBLE).

* * * * * 

Orihime didn't get SCARED of Ulquiora here either...

                 Orihime only followed his order,because he threatened to hurt her friends,but she CERTAINLY didn't get SCARED of him here,mind you.

HM arc

                  When Orihime was in the enemy's PLACE,did she get SCARED? There are bunch of POWERFUL enemies there.

              As you can see,Orihime is not SCARED of her situation.Orihime is not SCARED even though she was surrounded by a bunch of POWERFUL enemies.

Plus,the GOD LIKE POWER of hers,is actually this thing...

               I wonder if,what Aizen have told about her ability was true (completely). Orihime's power can restore a part of the body that was completely destroyed,and disappeared.At that time,that was the LEVEL of her powers that she have developed so far,but to REJECT everything that GOD had designated to OCCUR? I honestly don't think so.

               I have seen somewhere,that there were speculations going on,that she might be able to REJECT someone's EXISTENCE,which is truly RIDICULOUS,at least for me.Why??? If that thing was true,and if that really is KT's plan for her powers,don't you think we didn't need Ichigo and the others to defeat the enemies?All they have to do,is to put Orihime in the FRONT LINE,and let her REJECT all the enemies EXISTENCE,and the WAR was totally OVER.

In that case...everything will be...

                Honestly,SERIOUSLY speaking.....don't you think the same,if that really happens?(laughs). What's the point of Ichigo,Rukia and the others GETTING STRONGER? for what REASON they need to be stronger,if they didn't need to fight anymore,since Orihime can definitely handle everything on her own.Seems like KT is planning to make Orihime as the new PROTAGONIST of BLEACH (replacing Ichigo),and become the most BORING heroine at all times (that's definitely a NEW RECORD),especially,when we are talking about SHOUNEN.

                Actually,what I thought about her power,she might be able to REVIVE someone who's already DEAD?Just a speculation though,it's a common thing that I used to see in other mangas that have the same ability.I remember an anime "Tokyo Majin",there's a character named Aoi who have the ability just like Orihime,and her most powerful ability,is being able to REVIVE,to bring someone back to LIFE.because of her God like power,lots of people wanted to be able to control her,or take her powers from her and caused a lot of bloodshed.

Okay,back on topic.

Ulquiora finds her as someone STRONG as well.

She even dares to SLAP Ulquiora for insulting her friends.

               She didn't even get SCARED of OPPOSING GJ (healing Kurosaki kun completely,that is),because she didn't want to see Kurosaki kun to get hurt even more than he already was.She didn't get SCARED of him,even though she knew that he'll definitely hurt her.She only does what he wants,because Kurosaki kun told her so (the thing that she wasn't able to do *OPPOSE Kurosaki kun,though it was for his own SAFETY*).

She ddin't even asked Kurosaki kun to help her here...

                 Orihime being TORTURED and MIND ****ed? Seriously,those aren't the things that can PAWN her character.Orihime handled all those tortures and mind ****ing sessions very well,those aren't the things that affects her.True that Ulquiora and GJ did mentioned something that Orihime might not really be okay at the inside (her well being),however,for what reason do you think Ulquiora said this?

               After telling her their motives,even after Ulquiora's threatening her for killing her friend,and a lot of things that Ulquiora kept on telling her (to lose her composure),she remained INTACT.

In case you aren't satisfied yet...

              Orihime,never get SCARED of the enemies (to say that she lacks battle experience,and because they are strong),she's a BRAVE and a STRONG woman (in her very own WAY). People who are trying to justify her actions at the Dome,saying that she was only 15,and doesn't have BATTLE EXPERIENCE,and doesn't have the DEMEANOR that fits into fighting,doesn't know/understands her CHARACTER,like they used to think they are.People who are saying that she's WEAK are the same as well.Orihime is definitely a STRONG and a BRAVE woman,there's no doubt about it.She's definitely standing with her own two feet as well (minus the Dome scene),her nakamas just tend to protect her,because of her DEMEANOR,that's all,she never asked them to protect her,they do it on their own free will.People just tend to EXPECT something from her,that is beyond anything how KT used to portray her character,so in the end,they get DISAPPOINTED in her.


  1. Oh God! Thanks! *gives a big hug*

    This is what the IchiHime's and Orihime's fans should be saying to defened their fav character! THIS!

    Yes, I totaly accept that she was strong at the beggining and kind of lost the track close to the end of HM; the Dome part because of her bling belive that Ichigo was invincible.

    This is also made me to think that her friends, even if they see her strong; they don't see her being THAT strong... Can you clear me this? Are her friends not giving her sufficient credit? Or maybe is the way that she looks that makes people think that she is weak even if she is not (Come on! She even slapped ULQUIORRA! The forth espada! No battle experience my $%"#&$#, my mouth was hanging in that part! -> OoO)

  2. Her demeanor makes them wanting to protect her,they are just over protective towards Orihime.Her friends acknowledge her healing ability,but they are doubting her fighting capability,because of her demeanor,not because they think she's weak.It's just that,they thought that she can't attack an enemy,because she doesn't like fighting,in that case,they chose to protect her,and doesn't allow her to fight.
