
Sunday, January 8, 2012

To all who follows this blog

I just want to say thank you for following my updates,and reading everything,I really appreciate it.Though,there might be some of you that may thought that I am not updating anymore,or so I thought? ^.^'

I might be too slow in progress,but please bear with me,because I am a very busy person.I have a job that took 12 hours/6 days a week,plus time consuming preparations,and transportation,so I really don't have much time analyzing and writing everything here.

Also,I wanted to inform those that didn't know yet,that I have an LJ account,which is actually,the main site that I used to write everything.But because of some difficulties,I created this account to write the longer posts,and be able to organize the links.In other words,some of my updates can be seen there,instead of here.I don't know yet,how many post I can write here,since I wasn't that familiar with sites like this,and I'm too lazy to explore the site,so I apologize for the inconvenience ^m^.There's something here,that says about new pages,but I'm too lazy to read the instructions,so...

 Anyways,you can see my recent updates here.Again,thanks for reading ^o^/ 


  1. I just wanted to congratulate you for your great job! I look at your blog every day waiting for updates! but don't worry, we know that you have a life too! haha! : D


  2. Thanks for reading,and...Oh my! I am so surprised to know that you were looking here everyday ^.^ And thanks for the patience ^m^

  3. Thanks for the update, pretty late to respond but I always love reading your essays a lot and its clear you but a lot of work into them. I have been reading your blogs from about november 2011 when I found you out on LJ. But anyways I decided to finally make an account to comment to you :) thanks for the essays and good luck on your job :D

  4. Oh my,I'm so touched to know that you created an account just to comment properly.I really appreciate it ^.^ In fact,people like you are the ones that makes me continue writing,though I am too tired.Thanks for reading.I am currently writing something about the volume 49 poem,because someone really surprised me with his/her arguments about it.I'll try to finish it soon,but for now,I have to take some nap first,so I could analyze everything properly ^.^

  5. Aw your welcome sometimes you just need those people to tell you that they are reading and enjoying your essays you put a lot of work in. I know it must be time consuming because I did try it but I did give up XD. And lol yes The Volume poem. Its been going around everyone is in debate mode about it, but its kind of obvious its to ichigo to Rukia, not because I just ship them its because all the evidence that is back tracked from the manga up to now. But I am excited to read the essay. Good luck and don't push yourself to much, I know it must be hard doing it with a job on hand (Hugs)
